Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Author: Constance Briscoe
Number of pages : Ugly (433) Beyond Ugly (239)
Price: RM 38 for 2
Blurb from Ugly:
I handed my school photograph to my mother. She stared from the photograph to me.
'Lord, sweet Lord how come she so ugly. Ugly. Ugly.'
These cruel words are just the beginning. Constance's mother systematically abused her daughter, both physically and emotionally, throughout her childhood. Regularly beaten and starved, the child was so desperate she took herself off to Social Services and tried to get taken into care. When Constance was thirteen, her mother simply moved out, leaving her daughter to fend for herself: there was no gas, no electricity and no food.
But somehow Constance found the courage to survive her terrible start in life. This is her heartbreaking- and ultimately triumphant- story.
Blurb from Beyond Ugly:
'I would like some cosmetic surgery.'
'For what?'
'Because I'm ugly, ugly, ugly.'
It was Constance's mother who told her she was ugly. Over and over again. And that was just one strand of a childhood blighted by physical and emotional abuse. But the young girl had a strength and resilience beyond her years.
She put herself through university, financing her studies with several jobs - including one caring for the terminally ill in a hospice - and then fulfilled a lifelong ambition by joining a prestigious set of legal chambers. But Constance's troubles were not over...
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